client Package

class browsermobproxy.Client(url, params=None, options=None)[source]

Initialises a new Client object

  • url – This is where the BrowserMob Proxy lives
  • params – URL query (for example httpProxy and httpsProxy vars)
  • options – Dictionary that can contain the port of an existing proxy to use (for example ‘existing_proxy_port_to_use’)

Adds an ‘proxy’ entry to a desired capabilities dictionary with the BrowserMob proxy information

Parameters:capabilities – The Desired capabilities object from Selenium WebDriver
basic_authentication(domain, username, password)[source]

This add automatic basic authentication

  • domain (str) – domain to set authentication credentials for
  • username (str) – valid username to use when authenticating
  • password (str) – valid password to use when authenticating
blacklist(regexp, status_code)[source]

Sets a list of URL patterns to blacklist

  • regex (str) – a comma separated list of regular expressions
  • status_code (int) – the HTTP status code to return for URLs that do not match the blacklist

Clears all URL rewrite rules :return: status code


Clears the DNS cache associated with the proxy instance


shuts down the proxy and closes the port


Gets the HAR that has been recorded


This sets the headers that will set by the proxy on all requests

Parameters:headers (dict) – this is a dictionary of the headers to be set

Limit the bandwidth through the proxy.

Parameters:options (dict) – A dictionary with all the details you want to set. downstream_kbps - Sets the downstream kbps upstream_kbps - Sets the upstream kbps latency - Add the given latency to each HTTP request
new_har(ref=None, options=None, title=None)[source]

This sets a new HAR to be recorded

  • ref (str) – A reference for the HAR. Defaults to None
  • options (dict) –

    A dictionary that will be passed to BrowserMob Proxy with specific keywords. Keywords are:

    • captureHeaders: Boolean, capture headers
    • captureContent: Boolean, capture content bodies
    • captureBinaryContent: Boolean, capture binary content
  • title (str) – the title of first har page. Defaults to ref.
new_page(ref=None, title=None)[source]

This sets a new page to be recorded

  • ref (str) – A reference for the new page. Defaults to None
  • title (str) – the title of new har page. Defaults to ref.

Return a list of proxy ports available

remap_hosts(address=None, ip_address=None, hostmap=None)[source]

Remap the hosts for a specific URL

  • address (str) – url that you wish to remap
  • ip_address (str) – IP Address that will handle all traffic for the address passed in
  • **hostmap

    Other hosts to be added as keyword arguments


Executes the java/js code against each response HttpRequest request, HttpMessageContents contents, HttpMessageInfo messageInfo are available objects to interact with. :param str js: the js/java code to execute


Executes the java/js code against each response HttpRequest request, HttpMessageContents contents, HttpMessageInfo messageInfo are available objects to interact with. :param str js: the js/java code to execute


Retries. No idea what its used for, but its in the API…

Parameters:retry_count (int) – the number of retries
rewrite_url(match, replace)[source]

Rewrites the requested url.

  • match – a regex to match requests with
  • replace – unicode a string to replace the matches with

Returns a Selenium WebDriver Proxy class with details of the HTTP Proxy


Configure various timeouts in the proxy

Parameters:options (dict) – A dictionary with all the details you want to set. request - request timeout (in seconds) read - read timeout (in seconds) connection - connection timeout (in seconds) dns - dns lookup timeout (in seconds)
wait_for_traffic_to_stop(quiet_period, timeout)[source]

Waits for the network to be quiet

  • quiet_period (int) – number of milliseconds the network needs to be quiet for
  • timeout (int) – max number of milliseconds to wait

Returns a Selenium WebDriver Proxy class with details of the HTTP Proxy

whitelist(regexp, status_code)[source]

Sets a list of URL patterns to whitelist

  • regex (str) – a comma separated list of regular expressions
  • status_code (int) – the HTTP status code to return for URLs that do not match the whitelist